Being Broke Builds Character - Crisis On Infinite Podcasts #76

Welcome #CrisisCrew! Join us today as we discuss all the nerdy news you need to know including new trailers from Jurassic World 2: The Fallen Kingdom and Deadpool 2. We geek out about being 7 days away from the release of Avengers: Infinity War. And as always we have your DC Check In and a double dose of the Marvel Rewind today as we re-visit Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming

Follow Kevin, Hoody, Alex and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week too:

Alex: @AlexNPittman

Hoody: @andrewhoody

Javi: @cupofjavi

Kevin: @M0T3KK

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