The Horrors of Red Rover - Crisis On Infinite Podcasts #78

Hey #crisiscrew! Welcome back to the crisis cave as we give you all the nerdy news you need to know this week. Kicking it off with a cool interview with Katie Cassidy (Black Siren/Laurel Lance from Arrow) and a really cool discussion on which is the dominant streaming service right now between Hulu and Netflix. As always we have your DC Check-In and a quick review of Westworld. At the end of this week's episode we get into this little movie called Avengers: Infinity War. (SPOILER WARNING)

Follow Kevin, Hoody, Alex and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week too:

Alex: @AlexNPittman

Hoody: @andrewhoody

Javi: @cupofjavi

Kevin: @M0T3KK

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