CEOs A-Z Washington DC

Adams, Timothy - SA-TECH

Akin, Michael - LINK Strategic Partners

Al Sanders - OneZero Solutions

Alami, Suhile "Adam" - Founder & VP, RHOLC Foundation

Alcid, Bonnie - British Swim School

Alexander, Stephanie - BOOST LLC

Allen, Dough - VRE (Virginia Railway Express)

Allen-Herring, Rosie - United Way

Altschuler, Randy - Xometry

Anderson, Lisa - Anavo Transformation Solutions

Andre, Terry - AmCoat

Arevalo-Amaya Jr., Freddy - Freddy & Son Roofing

Ashe, Dan - Association of Zoos and Aquariums

Ashkar, Ahmad - Hult Prize Foundation

Atwood, Alex - Gravy Work

Bafaty, Jermon - Platinum Technologies

Barron, Leslie - Woofies

Baumann, Peter - ActiveNav

Bawa, Tarandeep - ITegrity

Beall, Susan - Nue Information Solutions

Becerra, Irma - Marymount University

Beck, Marla - Bluemercury

Beck, Steve - Military Bowl

Bednash, Eric - Racktop Systems

Beggan, Neal - Cherry Bekaert Advisory LLC

Bell, Eboné - Tagg Magazine

Benton, Ray - CEO, JTCC

Berkon, Dan - Culmen International

Bhatnagar, Sumit - GreenBrilliance

Bhungalia, Haresh - Casepoint

Billet, Herve - CEO, Ipsun Solar

Blake, R.J. - Blake Willson Group, LLC

Blank, Jeremy - Managing Partner, Deloitte

Blecken, Amy - CEO, Client Solution Architects LLC (CSA)

Bognet, Jennifer - Bognet Construction

Bohan, Gloria - Omega World Travel

Bolos, Michele - NT Concepts

Bor, Michael - CarLotz

Bouweiri, Kristina - Reston Limousine

Boyce, Kevin - Higher Logic

Bozzuto, Toby - The Bozzuto Group

Brady, Mary - President & CEO, The Economic Club of Washington DC

Braunstein, Steve - Snyder Cohn

Brock, Heidi - President & CEO, American Forest & Paper Association

Broullire, Chris - Alzheimer's Association

Brown, Tami/Brown, John - Evergreen Solutions 4U

Brown, Tracey - American Diabetes Association

Bruno, Christopher - Fairfax City Economic Development

Bui, Trong - Vidoori

Butcher, David - Road Runner Wrecker Service

Butler, Calvin - Exelon

Caldas, Rosa Q - ZemITek, LLC

Campagna, John - Chenega Corporation, MIOS

Canfield, Shane - WAEPA (Worldwide Assurance for Employees of Public Agencies)

Cantrell, Susan - Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)

Carlisle, Hawk - National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)

Carraway, Mary Lynne - Team Washington, Inc.

Carroll, Bonnie - Tragedy Assist

Case, Bruce - Case Architects & Remodelers

Casta, Alfredo - Cascades Technologies, Inc

Castillo, Alejandra Y. - YWCA USA

Castro, Carlos A. - Todos Neighborhood Supermarket

Caswell, Bruce - Maximus

Cavucci, Tina - Senior Executive Director, March of Dimes

Cha, Gary - Yes Organic Market

Chapin, Dane - CEO, USAopoly

Chambers-Robinson, Becky - Inomal Healthcare Concepts

Charles, Chadwick B. - Chad O'L Public Relations

Chen, Christine - APIAVote

Chilcoat, Wade - Tilden Memory Care

Cho, Mitchell - President & CEO, FedWriters

Chodakewitz, Susan - Nathan Associates

Cober, Nicole - The Bow Collective

Corwin, Scott - American Public Power Association

Coleman, Jim - Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation

Collier, Chad - CarSaver

Colton, Ian - CEO, Vertical Rock

Condren, Erin - Erin Condren Design

Corrigan, Mile - Noblis

Cosme, Manny - CFO Services Group

Cruse, Ron - Logenix International

Davenport, Kendra - Easterseals

Davis, Chip - Sibley Memorial Hospital

Deal-Williams, Vicki R. - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Del Sontro, Rick - Zippy Shell

Deller, Steve - Virid

DeSantis, Cari - Melwood

Desch, Matthew - Iridium Communications, Inc.

Detwiler, Jeff - The Long & Foster Companies

DeWolf, David - 3Pillar Global

DiMattina, Michael - Dominion Fertility

Dockser, Bradford - Green Generation

The Donohoe Companies, Inc. - Christopher Bruch

Downes, Sue - MyEyeDr.

Duffus, Joe - Builders Design

Dussek, Gilbert - Gunnison Consulting Group

Edson, Ben - VariQ

Ein, Mark - Capitol Investment Corporation

Eisner, David - Dataprise

El-Yacoubi, Bary & Muhssin - Send Me a Trainer

Elliot, Andrew - Coin Savage

Ellinghaus, Debbie - Olney Theatre Center

Enright, Bill - Barinthus Biotherapeutics

Evans, Cecelia - President, C Evans Consulting

Evans, Jonathan - Bart & Associates, Inc. (B&A)

Fang, Bay - Radio Free Asia

Fayos, Zetta - Anne Arundel Dermatology

Featherstone, Anthony - Executive Director, WorkSource Montgomery

Felix, Jennifer - ASRC Federal

Ferguson, Elliott - Destination DC

Ferranto, Marcia - National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum

Firestone, Lisa - Managed Care Advisors

Fisher, John - Nando's PERi-PERi North America

Fisher Sterling, Susan - National Museum of Women in the Arts

Flagg, Ronald S. - Legal Services Corporation

Ford, Lonye, CEO & Wube, Arlene, President & COO - Arlo Solutions

Forde, Terry - Adventist Health Care

Fox, Bob - Fox Architects

Fox, Josh - Bottom Line Concepts

Frana, Tom - ViON Corporation

Franco, Angela - DC Chamber of Commerce

Fudin, Jason - WhyHotel

Gaskins, Derek - CMO, Yesway

Giaimo, Bob - Silver Diner

Galvin, Jeff - American Gene Technologies

Ganzert, Robin - American Humane

Garcia Gratacos, Deborah - Deval LLC

Garthwaite, Ben - Fors Marsh

Gauf, Bernie - Innovative Defense Technologies (IDT)

Gerding, Heidi - Heitech Services Inc

Ghaleb, Pawla - PBG Consulting

Gillespie, Victoria - Northwest Federal Credit Union

Godwin, Gigi - Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

Goldman, Seth - Co-Founder & Chief Change Agent, Eat The Change

Goldman, Seth - Honest Tea

Gonzales, Glenn - Founder & CEO, Jet It

Gonzales-King, Riah - STNNR

Goode, Willie - The Goode Companies

Gordon, John David - Dominion Fertility

Gorodetski, David - Founder & CEO, Sage Communications

Goulet, Brian - The Goulet Pen Company

Grass, Jeff - Hungry

Greene, Lorne - VIVA Creative

Greene, Vicki - GED Testing

Greenstein, Jay - Sport and Spine Companies

Gregorio, Florentino - Anchor Construction Corporation

Grey, Rob - Intellidyne

Griffin, Sean - Disaster Tech

Grimm, Andrew - Apple Federal Credit Union

Groff, Kelly - Visit Montgomery

Gutierrez, Carlos - Co-Founder & CEO, Empath INC.

Halstuch, Jonathan - Racktop Systems

Hatch, Cary - MDB Communications

Henderson, Devin - DH Technologies

Henley, Robert "Buddy" C. - Henley Construction Co., Inc.

Hetfield, Mark - HIAS

Higdon, Yolanda - Principal & Founder, HH Logistics Planning, LLC

Hill, Joshua - Hill & Hurtt Architects

Hite, Rita - American Forest Foundation

Hodge, Jerome - President, Avdyne AeroServices

Hofmann, Karl - Population Services International

Hofmeister, Dan - Darigold

Holbrook, Kendall - Dev Technology Group

Hollindrake, Joanne & Tim - Regal Maid Service

Hollinger, Kathy E. - RAMW (Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington)

Horvath, Phil - Ratner Companies

Hoskins, Victor - CEO, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority

Howard, Leah - President & CEO, National Psoriasis Foundation

Huang, Yan - Savannah Solutions and Magnolia Cabinetry

Hulett, Matt - Rosetta Stone Inc.

Hwang, Tim - Fiscal Note

Icenhour, Crystal - Aperiomics

Ijoor, Gautam - Alpha Omega

Istrail, Larry - Pheo Coffee

Iyer, Sukumar - Brillient Corporation

Jain, Praduman - Vibrent Health

Jasper, Robin-Eve - NoMa BID

Jean, Howard - Chair of Events, Black Chamber of Commerce

Jenkins, Suzan - Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC)

Jimenez, Tony - MicroTech

Johnson, Beth - RP3 Agency

Johnson, Melonie - President, Chief Operating Manager, MGM National Harbor

Jones, Dante - Jones Enterprise

Jones-Seals, Vernae - OneSource Consulting, LLC

Jones, Steve - Signal Hill Technologies

Joseph, Jeff - SIIA

Junaideen, Amry - Deloitte

Jung, Kyu - Procon Consulting

Kang, Ki Ho - KIHOMAC

Kataria, Anjali - Mytonomy

Katzman, Larry - Applied Information Sciences

Kautz, Larysa - Melwood

Keane, Vincent - Unity Health Care, Inc.

Keene, Nazzic - SAIC

Kelleher, Robin - CEO & Co-founder, Hope For The Warriors

Kelly, Jr. - Samuel L. - Bridges to Independence

Ken Konkol Jr. - Veterans Service Management

Kessler, David - CohnReznick

Kessler, Lexy - Partner, Aronson LLC

Khanna, Anuj - Service 1st Financial

Kim, Sophia - King Spa Virginia

Korsnick, Maria - President & CEO, The Nuclear Energy Institute

Korson, Tony - Koa Sports

Kosonen, Mikko - Chef Mikko LLC

Koutsoumpas, Tom - Capital Caring Health

Krishnamurthy, Naveen - RIVA Solutions

Krishnan, Rachna - The Women's Center

Kudale, Jack - Founders & CEO, Cowbell Cyber

Kuhn, Chuck - JK Moving Services

Kulkarni, Anirudh - CVP Corp

Kurtzig, Andy - Just Answer

Kushin, Mike - BlackHorse Solutions

Lacz, Susan - Ridgwells Catering

Lambert-Woodard, Dr. Sylisa - Pathway Homes

Lance, Kevin - CaryRx

Landsdowne, Bruce - Trinity Technology Partners, Inc.

Lanier, E. Sean - Resolve Solutions, Inc.

Larsen, Brian - RestoraPet

Lastoria, Michael - &pizza

Leary, John - Trees for the Future

Lee, Richard - Sport Squad Inc.

Leonard, Bill - Greenbrook TMS NeuroHealth Centers

Leitmann-Santa Cruz, Joseph - CEO & Executive Director, CAAB

Liebreich, Robert - Goodwin House Incorporated

Lindblad, Anne - Emmes

Lipp, Katie - Lipp Law

Livia, Enzo - Il Pizzico Ristorante

Logue, Joe - Two Six Technologies

Long, Norm - CEO, Agentis Air

Lopiccolo, Jarrod - Noble Studios

Luchtefeld, Chris - Cape Fox Corporation

Malhotra, Deepti - VMD Corp

Malloy, Jim - Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington

Mansour, Basim - Michael & Son

Marentis, Chris - Surefire Local

Marzano, Stefano - Mighty Meals

Matthews, Tanya - TMG Construction Corporation

Maynard, Matt - Therrien Waddell, Inc.

Maynard, Nick - CEO, US Ignite

Mayorga, Martin - Mayorga Organics

McDermott, Sean - Windward Consulting Group

McDougle, Jack - Greater Washington Board of Trade

McGuire, Don - Senior VP & CMO, Qualcomm Technologies INC.

McLaughlan, Kelly -

McLean, Jodie - EDENS

Meloy, Catherine - President & CEO, Goodwill of Greater Washington

Mendenhall, Dutch - CEP & Co-founder, RAD Diversified

Menick, Marc - KLNB

Mervis, Ronnie - Mervis Diamond Importers

Meyer, Joe - Shelter House

Michaels, Christine - American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy

Milkovich, Bob - CEO, rand* construction

Miller, David - B.K. Miller Company

Mishra, Shubhi - CEO & Founder, Raft

Miskiri, Jeffeary - Owner & CEO, Miskiri Hospitality

Monell, Nathan - National PTA

Monroe, Chris - IonQ

Moran, Dr. Ryan - Whitman Walker Health System

Morris, Nicole - Executive Director, Women Giving Back

Mundht, Lisa - Co-Founder, The Pulse of GovCon

Muthiah, Radha - Capital Area Food Bank

Myers, Bryan - Solidcore

Nash, Scott - MOM's Organic Market

Neal, Kimberly - Children's Guild

Neal, Korey - K. Neal Truck and Bus Center

Newton-Small, Jay - MemoryWell

Nicolaisen, Jennifer - SeekHealing

Norrris, Deon - Norris Accounting and Tax Services CPA, LLC

North, Eric - Performance Rejuvenation Center

Nossaman, Greg - G Squared Capital Partners

Nuessle, Christine - Bravium Consulting

O'Dell, Greg - Events DC

Olcot, Mark - Vitus Vet

Orr, Steve - Orr Group

Ortiz Larson, Carmen - President, AQUAS

Ory, Jeb - Phone2Action

Palmer, Ann M. - Arthritis Foundation

Parker, Scott - Scott Parker Brands

Parsont, Heidi - Torchlight Hire

Patel, Pinakin - IT Concepts Inc.

Patterson, Ellen - EVERFI

Patton, Chris - Victory Van Corporation

Payson, Mark - CCRM Northern Virginia

Pearson, Kevin - M&T Bank

Petty, Melvin - ERP International, LLC

Phillips Caswell, Piper - PHILLIPS Programs

Pierleonardi, Patty - PMSI

Piervincenzi, Ronald T. - United States Pharmacopeia

Pijor, David W. - FVC Bank

Pineda, Richard - CALIBRE

Plamondon, James - Roy Rogers Restaurants

Polon, Sara - Soupergirl

Pope, Taylor - The Goddard School DC

Probert, Ted - Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

Purcell, Jeremy - Founders & President, FXA Sports

Puvvada, Venkatapathi "PV" - NetImpact Strategies

Quinn, Brendan - Ernest Maier Inc.

Quintana, Ana - Crocus, LLC

Quieroga, Nicole - Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Rath, Manik - Daybreak LLC

Ratti, Stefano - CEO, Chaberton Energy

Redmon, Pierre - PrimCorp

Reed, Amy - Woofies

Reid, Carla A. - WSSC (Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission)

Restrepo, Jorge A. - EurekaFacts LLC

Reynolds, Sarah - The Reynolds Team

Rezzonico, John - Edge360

Riggins, Lisa Marie - USO of Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore

Robert D. Broeksmit - Mortgage Bankers Association

Roberts, Jorge - Avport

Rockerfeller, Mark - Street Shares

Rodewald, Liza - Instant Teams

Rodriquez, Ricardo - President, Chiropractic & Wellness Center LLC (CWC)

Rogers, Andre - E3Insights

Rogers, Pierre - PuroTrader

Roman, Barry - Reliant Asset Management

Rondeau, Jonathon - The Arc Central Chesapeake Region

Rosenthal, Lisa - Mayvin

Royal, Scott - Westat

Rubin, Ron - Bridgewater Health

Rudd, Dr. Carolyn - CRP, Incorporated

Safarian, Artin - Arminco Incorporated

Sanabria, Gunther - Sanabria & Associates

Sanders, Mike - Interactive Government

Sayegh Gabriel, Tracy - National Landing Business Improvement District

Scheetz, Jim - CEO, SmartMouth Oral Health Laboratories

Scholl, Sheila - Renters Warehouse

Schneider, Steven - Phone2Action

Scott, JC - President & CEO, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association

Scott, John - Scott-Long Construction

Scribner, James - The Freedom Center

Seikaly, Rudy - CEO, MCN Build INC

Sennet, Anne - Saft America, Inc.

Shafie, Shevy - Marstudio

Shao, Cindy - Asian American Chamber of Commerce

Sharaf, Husein - Cloudforce

Sharma, Promod - President, Criterion Systems

Shea, Jessica - Founder & CEO, Cheers in a Box

Sheehy, Vince - Sheehy Auto Stores

Shmelzer, Grant - IEC Chesapeake

Shriver, Tim - Special Olympics International

Simmons, Dr. - Owner of Reignite Psychological and Consulting Services, LLC

Simons, Dan - Farmers Restaurant Group

Singh, Mandeep - A Square Group, LLC.

Singh, Navin - Washingtonian Plastic Surgery

Singh, Sunny - CEO, Aeyon

Smith, Burck - StraighterLine

Smith, Carey - Chair, President, CEO, Parsons Corporation

Smith, Darcy - Custom Ink

Smith, Eshauna - Urban Alliance

Sobel, Ilan - BioHarvest Sciences

Soto-Harmon, Lidia - Girl Scouts Nation's Capital

Spaeth, Courtney - growth[period]

Spalding, Mark - The Ocean Foundation

Sparks, Steve - Sparks Group

Spencer-Taylor, John "Spence" - BrainGu

Springs, Shawn - Windpact

Spiritos, Sam - Shulman Rogers

Stearns, Allison K. - CaringMatters

Steptoe, Wanda - Executive Director, New Endeavors by Women

Stoltzfus, Carrie - Executive Director

Stone, Jenny - CEO, Partner Forces

Studley, Jeffrey - CPR MultiMedia Solutions

Sullivan, Betty - Architectural Ceramics

Swinson, Michele - AprilMay Company Inc.

Taddeo, Harmonie - Northwest Federal

Tait, Matt - CEO & President, ManTech

Tan, Dr. Steven - P.E.A.S.

Taylor, Jennifer - Northern Virginia Technology Council

Teicher, Ben - Healthy Directions

Thakkar, Pallav - iVision Consulting

Thomas, Cherian - Spotluck Inc.

Tompkins, Bill - The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation

Thompson, Warren - Thompson Hospitality Corporation

Thurston, Rocky - DMI

Tijerino, Antonio - President & CEO, Hispanic Heritage Foundation

Todd, Tracy - CEO, American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT)

Toscano, Kim - Toscano Clements Taylor, LLC

Tossavainen, Rick - CEO, Dark Wolf Solutions

Townsend, Shawn - RAMW President & CEO

Tremaglio, Tamkia - Deloitte

Trizzino, John - Novavax

Tucker, Greg - Sentral Services

Twomey, Beth - USTA

Uzzell, Janeen - National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Vaidyanathan, Sundar - Karsun Solutions

Valentin, Monica - Anne Arundel Dermatology

Vaughan, Lauren C. - Samaritan Inns

Virga, Virgil - President, Metronome

Vogel, Alex - CEO, The Vogel Group

Vuljanic, Caleb - FORVIS

Wagoner, Doug - LMI

Watts, Jennifer - President, Watts Group, INC.

Webster, Gabrielle - Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington

Wellisch, David - Collage Group

West, Kyle - CEO, Behavioral Framework

Whitten, Mark - Whitten Laser Eye

Wiater, Scott - Standard Solar

Wilkinson, Johnny - Five Star Home Health Care

Wilson II, Jeff - The W2 Group

Wong, Tien - CONNECTpreneur

Womack, Margarita - MasPanadas

Woods, Caroline - Girls on the Run of Northern Virginia

Woods, John - University of Phoenix

Woodcock, Majors Mark and Rhea Dawn - Salvation Army National Capitol Area

Woodford, Greg - G Squared Capital Partners

Wu, Ben - Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation

Xu, Mei - Chesapeake Bay Candle

Yergin-Doniger, David - WG Construction

Yi, Yesle - Washingtonian Law PLLC

Zolet, David - LMI

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