Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


What Is An 'Ick' And How Do You Get One?

Teenage girl and everyday life. In bed with smartphone

Photo: Philippe TURPIN / Photononstop / Getty Images

Let me set the scene: You and this man, you've just begun to start talking to have this electric chemistry. You just can't get enough of this dude, regardless of what it is or how it happened. Well, that is until... he does that one thing that you simply can't look past..that my friend is called an ick!

Catching the ick is a pretty universal experience, something we all go through at one time or another. And frankly, it’s lowkey kind of devastating. But what exactly *is* the ick? So glad you asked. The ick in dating refers to a sudden, intense feeling of repulsion or disgust toward a romantic partner or potential partner, often triggered by a specific action, behavior, or trait that one finds unattractive or off-putting.

Basically, it’s that feeling you get when you’re super into someone and then suddenly, you’re not often for no particular rhyme or reason. The ick can happen at any time, any place, and for any reason, often a seemingly random or illogical one, which is part of what makes it so frustrating.

While this may seem frustrating because sometimes we get the ick from the most beautiful men who we think have it all, it's important to remember that just because they may seem like they have it all, your ick is your gut telling you something, and it may be worth listening to because what you don't see now you'll see with time.

Do you agree with our definition of the ick? if so, DM us on Instagram with your thoughts, @YMSRadio! bonus points if you spill your worst ick story because I think it's safe to assume we all have a long list of them.

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