Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Office Holiday Party Etiquette You May Want To Follow

Too much of a good thing

Photo: Getty Images

You can always count on something weird happening at your work's holiday party no matter how you feel about actually going to it, but with a lot of workplaces having a holiday party for the first time in-person in a few years, you might want to prep yourself!

In-person celebrations are making a comeback and here are some of our pro tips on how to make sure you don't regret what happens at your work party the next day at work:

  • Don’t talk about work non-stop - Try not to go overboard with “shop talk” and focus on things that aren’t job-related. 
  • Skip the excessive drinking - You don’t want to cut loose too much and risk making a bad impression on the higher-ups, or even your coworkers with an open bar.
  • Dress appropriately - Regardless of what you wear to the office every day, you’ll want to follow the dress code for the party. This isn’t the time for anything too revealing or too casual. 
  • Skip the work drama - Try avoiding office politics at the work party. Just have fun!
  • Don’t gossip - After a couple of drinks, it’s easy to let your guard down, but it’s still not a good idea to gossip about your colleagues.
  • Take the hint and leave - You don’t want to be the first one out the door, or the last one to leave. So when the crowd starts to thin out, that’s your cue!
  • Go to work the next day - Don’t be the person who overindulges and then calls in sick, no matter how late the party lasted. 

Also we'll just leave the trailer for Office Christmas Party below so you have examples of what NOT to do at your office party!

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