Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


'Buddymoons' Are The New Trend In Honeymooning

Friends sitting on the beach, having fun, taking selfies

Photo: Getty Images

Would you want to invite your friends on your honeymoon to hang out with them after your wedding?

The newest trend in weddings is called "buddymoons" and that's what they're all about - bringing your friends along with you to your honeymoon destination!

Usually a traditional honeymoon is a time for newlyweds to relax, celebrate and "consummate the marriage," but it turns out more and more couples are using it as a group vacation with everyone and I'm not exactly sure if it'll work or not!

The group honeymoon, or “buddymoon" usually works for couples with a close group of friends who don't get to see each other too often beside weddings and usually is the last time all of the friends hang out without kids.

Would you go on a "buddymoon" with your friends or would you want the alone time with your partner??

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