Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Experts say Drinking "Lemon Coffee" Won't Help You Lose Weight

If you’ve been on TikTok recently, you likely saw the new trend where people are adding lemon juice to black coffee in the morning to help them lose weight. But some experts are saying it doesn't work.

Registered Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert said, quote, It’s true that adding lemon juice to water can have potential benefits, from promoting hydration to increasing satiety. However, it’s important to know that these benefits all come from the water! Lemon juice contains nutrients such as vitamin C and antioxidants, but in a typical drink (e.g. 1-2tsp) there is nowhere near enough to warrant any claims and most unlikely to have any effects on your weight.”

Holistic Health Coach and Nutrition Trainer Heidi Hauer said, quote, First, let’s not trick ourselves into believing there is one magic drink for weight loss. This simply doesn’t exist. The most effective and sustainable way to drop pounds is to look at your diet and lifestyle in a holistic way. Instead of putting all your hopes on one drink, focus on reducing sugar in your diet, increasing the amount of vegetables, especially green ones, moving regularly, reducing stress, etc.’

Nutritional Therapist Camilla Gray said, quote, Drinking low calorie, caffeine-free drinks like water and herbal teas are helpful and lemon water on its own is great, but not in isolation and certainly not mixed into coffee. It is documented that caffeine can block the absorption of some vitamins and minerals, so although not harmful, you may not be absorbing nutrients from the lemon juice at all.”


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