Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


He Didn't Come Home From His Work Dinner! - War Of The Roses

Before Joanna and Martin started dating he was involved in a relationship with his coworker Carly, but because of the pandemic they called things off. At first they snuck around so he was experienced with keeping things on the down-low. Fast-forward to now and Joanna and Martin have been dating for seven months and Martin just went back to the office for work. Martin told Joanna that he was worried about Carly at work, which made her feel good, but Martin had a work dinner last week and didn’t come home after it. When Joanna saw him the next day she asked where he stayed and he said a co-worker’s. Joanna is a little sus of everything and asks us to call as Martin’s HR to find out if that relationship is still a thing.

We call Martin pretending to work for his HR department and when we ask him about updating his emergency contacts he asks if he can put Carly down. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!

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