Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

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Job Listing Red Flags You Need To Watch For When Applying To Jobs

Man Applying for a Job on the Internet

Photo: Getty Images

Finding a new job can be stressful, especially if you've been doing it for a few weeks in a row, but sometimes those jobs that seem good on paper are actually nightmare scenarios when you get to the in-person interview, or worse, take the job.

Buzzfeed recently asked the community to share the obvious red flags in a job listing that can tell you just how bad the job will be and we wanted to share them for you in case you're looking for a change of scenery for work:

  • Too Much Jargon - If the posting has a lot of buzzwords, but nothing of actual substance about what the job actually is, that's a sign it's time to run
  • Not Including The Salary - Not including a salary and using the phrase 'gain experience' is a red flag that they expect you to work for free or cheap.
  • Language Like 'High Energy' and 'Highly Motivated' - If the employer feels the need to point this out, you can bet they have a history of high turnover with unhappy former employees.
  • Schedule TBD - If they don't have a set schedule for you, then they might not also have a set pay either.
  • Offering Flexible Hours - They mean that they want you to have no life outside of work, and that they’re planning on absolutely wrecking your sleep schedule.
  • Urgently Hiring - Usually means they have a high turnover rate and can’t keep employees very long.
  • "We’re not a company, we’re a family" - Almost guaranteed to be a toxic environment.

To see more red flags you can go HERE!

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