Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


A Missing Dog Rang Her Family’s Doorbell To Let Everyone Know She Was Back

Low Section Of Dog Relaxing On Floorboard

Photo: Getty Images

Fourth of July isn't usually your pet's favorite holidays, especially if it's their first real July 4th with fireworks, but this dog in Greenville, South Carolina has the funniest return story post-fireworks after she got scared and ran away from her owners.

Rajah the dog ran away over the weekend after someone in her owner's neighborhood had their own Fourth of July celebration and her owners couldn't find her for several hours because she took off so fast.

After Rajah's owners went to bed at 3am, their doorbell rang and it turned out that Rajah not only found her way home on her own, but she also figured out how to ring the doorbell! You can see the doorbell footage of Rajah coming home below and just a friendly reminder to keep your pets safe and feeling comfortable if fireworks are going off near you!

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