Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Seven Things To Guarantee You Have A Good Weekend

Mother and her adult daughter applied facial masks and cucumbers on eyes. Women chilling while having wine

Photo: Getty Images

We don't want to tell you how to spend your weekend time since your time is your time, but we found a helpful guide that gives tips on maximizing your weekend!

While a lot of people usually sleep in or plan a TON of things to do when they are off from work, it's actually these seven things that will help you relax and enjoy your two days off out of the week.

Here are the tips:

  1. Set a specific end time for work - Whether it's 5pm on the dot or any other specific time, this means shut the laptop down and do whatever you want!
  2. Close out all your loose ends - You don't have to finish all of your work, but try to get things done to a point so that they don't linger in your mind the entire weekend.
  3. Start with a great meal - Start your two days off right by treating yourself to a meal you don't normally have and share it with friends if you want to.
  4. Respect a "Sabbath Time" - Designate a time of rest and relaxation whether you go outside or read a book, just detach from your electronics.
  5. Plan for some "Me" time - Like above, make sure to have some "me time" to focus on yourself and get away from it all for a moment.
  6. Have some social time - The inverse of the above, make sure you hang out with friends or family that you don't normally get to during the week!
  7. Spend time prepping for the coming week - Before you wrap up work on Friday make sure to set to-dos or reminders on your phone for Monday to start the next week not worrying about everything!

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