According to Daily Mail, a study conducting about 300 straight female university students in Slovakia proved that their shoe determined their intentions on dates with men. These women were asked if they preferred a stiletto or flat shoe on a date with photographs of men from Google Images, one being conventionally attractive and the other unattractive. 60% of the women had chosen to wear the stiletto if asked on a date by the attractive man, and 22% of that would choose heels for both. If there’s no attraction, women are less likely to put in the same effort into their appearance to either look desirable or not. According to Dr. Pavol Prokop, “Wearing high heels enhances female physical attractiveness for the opposite sex, thus their use seems to be a powerful sexual signal.” This is physically proven, as Prokop further explains,“heels improve the lumbal curvature and alters the female’s gait, reduces stride length and increases rotation and tilt of the hips.”
I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio