In recent years there’s been a definite decline in people tying the knot and a new study suggests broke men are to blame.
According to a recently published paper in the “Journal of Family and Marriage,” less women may be getting married because they are unable to find an "economically attractive” man, meaning there aren’t enough financially stable men out there to pick from.
The study uncovered this truth by creating dating profiles of potential husbands based on data of real husbands from the American Community Survey. They then compared those made up spouses with available unmarried men and found that the fake husbands make 58 percent more money than the current eligible bachelors out there.
The study’s lead author Daniel Lichter suggests today’s “current ‘gig economy’ of unstable, low-paying service jobs,” could be to blame for the lack of financially stable husbands. He notes, “Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors.”
Source:New York Post