

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Biografía completa


Traveling Solo Is Good For Your Relationship!

We’ve been wasting so much time trying to sweet talk boo into taking that trip to Lisbon,BUT we’re much better off rollin’ solo!It’s better off for the relationship that way.

Here’s how:

  • It allows you to follow your own passions- You’re more interested in looking for the natural sites to build your photography portfolio. And boo really just wants to sit back and drink all day.It’s going to take A LOT more out of you to get ‘em up, so grab your camera and start flashin’!
  • Distance really can make the heart grow fonder- When you’re not an easy call or text away, boo is gonna miss you. Trust me! They’ll be all over you when you get back.
  • It can make you more self-sufficient- When you lose your wallet and don’t have boo as your backup wallet, what do you do? Gotta figure out a plan B!
  • Discover something new about yourself- You’re almost forced to explore those crazy things you never imagined. If you tend to let boo do all the talking for you, you’re gonna open that mouth up a lot as a solo traveler!
  • It’s practical- Let’s say you and boo work completely different schedules. It’s much easier for you to plan your thing and boo plan theirs. Everyone’s happy then.

You don’t need boo to go with you everywhere. Leave ‘em at home sometimes.

Source:Harper's Bazaar

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