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This Is The Most Popular Way Couples Are Meeting!

Lots of singles use dating apps to try to meet someone and new research shows they’re now more popular than ever. According to a new study from Stanford University, online dating now beats old school ways of finding love and is the most popular way for U.S. couples to meet.

Stanford sociologistMichael Rosenfeld has studied dating for 20 years and led this study, which is based on a national survey of American adults. It shows 39% of heterosexual couples report meeting their partner online, up from 22% in 2009. The research finds that the rise of online dating isn’t just more common than ever, it’s outpaced traditional ways of meeting a partner, like being introduced by family or friends, which Rosenfeld says has been on the decline for years.

“People trust the new dating technology more and more, and the stigma of meeting online seems to have worn off,” Rosenfeld explains. He says people’s relationship with technology and the fact that everyone has a smartphone in their pocket all the time has led to the boost in popularity. And he points out that dating apps have way more potential partners available compared to the number of people your BFF or mom knows.

Source:Stanford University

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