For a lot of people it’s hard to let go of say a past relationship, or even a family moment, and apparently a lot of folks aren’t just holding on to memories.
A new survey finds that 73% of Americans would consider themselves sentimental, with 85% saying they are someone who holds on to keepsakes. Of those people, 25% of people have held on to something from a past relationship, while 43% are holding on to keepsakes from their current partner. As for how long they keep them, 38% of people say they’ve actually kept something for over 20 years.
So, what keepsakes are most important to people? Well, birthday cards seem to hold the most sentimental value, with 61% of people saying they hold on to them.Other important keepsakes include:
- A gift from a parent (53%)
- A Valentine’s Day card (44%)
- A gift from their child (43%)
- A card from their child (42%)
And while relationship keepsakes are important to people, it seems the ones that mean the most come from mom, with 63% of people saying they are most important. After that, the top keepsakes are from:
- Dad (48%)
- Current partner (42%)
- Sibling(s) (42%)
- Other relatives (39%)
Source:SWNS Digital