My poor little had to come home early from school yesterday because he had a small fever and was acting lethargic. It wasn't surprising to me that he had a little cold coming back from sunny Florida for his big Disney weekend to Maryland fall. Going from 92 degrees to 60 degrees is bound to make anyone sniffle.
His fever was sitting at 100.1 so not really in the danger zone, but high enough that I wanted to watch it and do everything I could to get it down. Lyric has only ever had one other fever in his life (thank god) but the last time he did I used oils and Tylenol to get it down and it worked like a charm.
For the diffuser blend I used Natrogix Bliss Essential Oils ($18 for a set of 9)
5 drops peppermint oil
4 drops tea tree oil
4 drop eucalyptus oil
3 drop lemon oil
Lots of cold remedy blends on Pinterest
This is a trick that I got from my friend who is an oil consultant. And she also has three boys so in my mind that makes her an expert.
Take a few drops of peppermint oil and mix it with a carrier oil to not cause skin irritation. Put in on the bottom your little's feet and the back of their neck. Works wonders to tone down low grade fevers. I love them smell too!
Little tip from me to you....make sure to put socks on your kiddo to avoid slipping and to lock in the oil.
Happy flu season!
~ Hugs and Smiles ~ Riley Couture