You Can Donate Your Used Eclipse Glasses To A Good Cause
Don't toss those solar eclipse glasses just yet.
You can now recycle them and help bring science education to kids in Asia and South America. The California-based charity Astronomers Without Borders put out a request on their Facebook page for used, undamaged eclipse glasses so they can give them out to kids on other continents when they have a chance to see a total solar eclipse in 2019.
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Nanea Is The New American Girl Doll From Hawaii
American Girl has a new addition to their BeForever collection. Her name is Nanea Mitchell and she comes from Hawaii. The nine-year-old girl’s story is shared in “Growing Up with Aloha” and explains what life was like on Oahu before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In the book, we learn how Nanea wanted to help her community by doing good deeds after the attacks.
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What Is the Most Common Winning Powerball Number?
As of today when the Powerball numbers are drawn the pot will be up to $700 million dollars!!!
The last 21 drawings have failed to produce someone who drew all six of the winning numbers. The latest failed drawing on Saturday pulled the numbers 17, 19, 39, 43, 68 and a Powerball of 13. Some of those numbers are in some of the most common winning numbers for the lottery. However, the top five main draw numbers for the Powerball lottery are 26, 16, 41, 22 and 32.
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Amazon Users, Beware of This Reported Prime Day Email Scam
If you bought all of the shoes for Amazon Prime Day you might want to beware of this scam.
Amazon Prime members receive an email thanking them for their recent purchase on Amazon Prime Day and inviting them to write a review in exchange for a $50 "bonus." When consumers click on the link, it takes them to a spoofed Amazon site that requests their log in credentials. The provided links as they may lead to a malware infection on your computer or ransomware that can encrypt sensitive files on your device.
Click HERE for more on this story.
Arby's celebrates 'Game of Thrones' finale with giant turkey leg
"Turkey Is Coming!!
This Sunday, Aug. 27 in honor of the Game Of Thrones finale, Arby’s is releasing its first ever giant Smoked Turkey Leg. It will only be available at select locations, is seasoned with salt and brown sugar, smoked and then "slow-roasted to perfection." It also weighs about a pound.
Click HERE for more on this story.