Intern John

Intern John

Intern John hosts Your Morning Show weekdays from 5A-10A and the Thought Shower Podcast. Listen any time on iHeartRadio! Full Bio


How To Become More Independent In 2025

Smiling woman with credit card and laptop

Photo: pixelfit / E+ / Getty Images

Clinginess isn’t some terminal character flaw it’s often just a misguided attempt to meet very real emotional needs for connection and security. Excessive dependence on others robs you of the rich experience of developing your own resilience and self-trust. The good news? Independence is a skill you can learn, not a personality trait you either have or don’t. Let’s break down some practical ways to loosen your grip.

1. Embrace Unscheduled Time

2. Reframe The Idea Of “Space”

3. Learn The Difference Between Connection And Dependency

4. Treat “Alone Time” Like A Skill

5. Stop Mistaking Intensity For Intimacy

6. Kill The Mind-Reading Habit

7. Turn FOMO Into JOMO

8. Learn How To Be OK With Not Knowing

9. Become Fascinating To Yourself First

10. Recognize When “Caring” Becomes “Controlling”

11. Break The Constant Contact Cycle

12. Deactivate Your Abandonment Triggers

13. Create A Bigger Support System

Now those these will contribute to you being a more confident version of yourself. It all ultimately starts within and that is when you’ll truly see it shine on the outside.

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