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Are you a fan of Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, and Queer Eye? Turns out so is everyone else which is why a new study claims we're all decorating our homes the same!
A new study from Bucknell University looked at how home improvement media influences homeowners and it turns out a lot of us are playing it safe with our decorations because of the shows we watch.
Apparently home improvement shows are making people see their homes through a so-called "market-reflected gaze," which is causing houses to all look the same instead of reflecting the individual homeowner's personal style.
Home improvement media constantly shows people what is "wrong" with their house, which makes us fearful to take risks in our interior design.
You can read more from the study HERE, but if you're debating on getting something you've seen on HGTV or something at a thrift store then go with the thrift store to be unique!