This Research Job Pays You $15 An Hour To Eat Cheese

closeup on young woman eating camembert

Photo: Getty Images

We're all about having side-hustles outside of your normal 9 to 5 to make an extra chunk of change, but this research job might be the best way to make money and eat food at the same time because you can get paid to eat cheese!

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Dairy Research is currently accepting applications for a "Descriptive Sensory Panelist" who will get paid $15 an hour to taste up to 24 cheese samples and 12 different pizzas a week.

If selected, you would need to be on-site at the University for their tasting sessions for nine hours a week, which could pocket you an extra $135 every week just for getting your snack on.

According to the job listing, one of the main responsibilities would be “describing a range of food products in terms of appearance, texture, aroma, and flavor,” and providing accurate ratings for each sample based on the metrics that they’re taught.

The Center for Dairy Research will be accepting resumes through June 21st so you might want to apply HERE if you love all things cheese!

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