Virginia Ranked As The State Most Likely To Survive An Alien Invasion

ufo or alien spaceship

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We always love learning about weird studies that prove certain states are more prepared for apocalyptic events than others and it turns out Virginia is the best state to hide out an alien invasion if one were to ever happen!

The study was conducted by and compared each of the 50 US states based on their population density, number of UFO sightings, landscape and defense when it came to an alien invasion and Virginia came out on top with the highest survivability score of 8.04 out of 10.

Virginia topped the list mostly because of its "larger military force per capita" so all that base traffic you have to deal with during rush hour could actually pay off at the end of the day!

You can see what states made the top ten below, including Maryland, but for some reason Nevada was the worst state to hide out an alien invasion, which is kind of shocking:

  1. Virginia
  2. Georgia
  3. Massachusetts
  4. New York
  5. Louisiana
  6. Illinois
  7. Maryland
  8. Missouri
  9. Alabama
  10. Wisconsin

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