Photo: Getty Images
Planning a wedding is no easy task, but Chili's might have made things a little easier if you're willing to propose to your partner at one of their locations!
While the average wedding caterer can set you back from $4,000 to $7,000, Chili's wants to hook you up with your entire caterer cost if you propose at one of their locations within the next week.
According to the chain's recent TikTok video, the first three couples who get engaged will get free catering at their wedding and it was all inspired by a couple who actually fed their 99-person wedding for just over $1,900 with Chili's.
Unfortunately alcohol isn't included, but you can see Chili's official video detailing the contest below and you can pretty much write off any catering expense up to $2,500!
You can see ALL the fine print HERE,but it might be time to go ring shopping if you already haven't!