This Is What AI Thinks The "Perfect Man And Woman" Look Like

Turns out that even in a world where ChatGPT and AI can create a TV script in seconds or make us look like we're from medieval times that it also can create unrealistic body expectations.

According to The Bulimia Project, an eating disorder awareness group, the below images is what artificial intelligence thinks are the looks of the "perfect man and woman" and apparently it thinks we like blonde women and men who are "tall, dark, and handsome."

The AI images were created using engagement analytics from social media with the tools looking at billions of images of people online.

The Bulimia Project said of the findings: "Considering that social media uses algorithms based on which content gets the most lingering eyes, it's easy to guess why AI's renderings would come out more sexualized.”

Do you agree with the AI's images or do you think it got it all wrong? You can see larger images HERE!

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