Hoody Reviews 'Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3' In 60 Seconds Or Less

It's the end of the road (at least for now) for the Guardians of the Galaxy and my goodness was Volume 3 an emotional journey!

The third Guardians of the Galaxy film is FINALLY here after SIX YEARS since Volume 2 and while the threequel doesn't necessarily recreate the humor of the first two movies, it stands alone as the grown-up tale for the Guardians!

Volume 3 is essentially Rocket Raccoon's movie and who would have thought that after over 40 films in the MCU that we would all be crying over the fate of an animated raccoon!?

The film clocks in around the two-hour and 30-minute mark with its end credits scenes and the movie flies by, but also leaves enough time for you to sit in some scenes and shed a tear (internally or externally) and it's so weird to think that this will be director James Gunn's final adventure with the entire cast.

Here are some of my initial, SPOILER-FREE, thoughts on the film and what stood out to me just in case you need more (or less) incentive to watch it:

  • Even though this is Rocket's movie, Nebula I feel like gets her shine and James Gunn gives her motivation and a reason for us to all root for her.
  • Chukwudi Iwuji (who you know from Peacemaker) was such a good villain as the High Evolutionary and his story connects to every other Guardians of the Galaxy project too!
  • I would say listen to the soundtrack before the film because even though you think it might spoil things, I think it will help you enjoy/understand the film and its emotional beats even more.
  • Will Poulter's Adam Warlock has been nerfed a little, but it makes sense because in the comics his main storyline is with the Infinity Gauntlet and we've moved past that. However, I still think he's a welcome addition to the team.
  • I personally think Guardians 1 and 2 are better still, but the threequel locks in that Guardians of the Galaxy had one of, if not the best trilogy in the MCU!
  • There are TWO end-credit scenes that have me excited for a potential future in Phase 5 and maybe the promise of a Disney Plus show!

Watch my full review for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 below:

I'm giving Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 8 out of 10 raccoons because I felt like it did a great job wrapping up James Gunn's run with the Guardians of the Galaxy with an emotional story and satisfiying ending for every member of the team. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 is in theaters starting on May 5th!

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