French's Is Releasing A Ketchup-Flavored Popsicle This Summer

This might be one of the weirdest dessert flavors you've ever heard of because French's the condiment brand mostly known for its mustard is releasing a ketchup popsicle this summer!

The condiment brand is releasing a limited-edition popsicle called the "Frenchsicle" that is made from 100% Canadian tomatoes" this summer in Canada and it's totally okay if you have a slight cringe because you're not alone!

You can go HERE to see some of the immediate reactions to French's announcement, but the popsicle was apparently made because "Canadians love their ketchup" according to the brand.

You can buy your “Frenchsicle” HERE, but fingers crossed this stays in Canada because it definitely is not the summer vibe we want!

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