New Study Claims This Is The Exact Age Hangovers Are The Worst

Young exhausted wasted woman waking up suffering headache and hangover after drinking alcohol lying on bed sick and miserable still drunk

Photo: Getty Images

Think you've had a bad hangover? Wait until you turn 34 because according to a new study that is when hangovers are the worst in our lifetimes!

According to survey of 2,000 people aged from 18 to 65 conducted by greeting-card company Thortful, it's your 34th birthday you have to dread the most because that's when hangovers affect you the most.

34 was the age respondents felt their hangovers really started to sting, while the following year was found to be the one where hangovers started to last two days so you might want to plan your drinking for a two-day recovery window.

The same survey suggested that it's not until we turn 37 is when we fully know how to manage our hangovers and when we turn 38 is when the average person feels "too old" to go out anymore.

You can read more from the survey HERE, but just enjoy your years of drinking now until you hit 34 and then it's downhill from there!

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