You Can Now Buy Plant IV Bags To Water Your Plants

A Young Woman Waters Her Houseplants

Photo: Getty Images

Not all of us have a "green thumb" when it comes to taking care of any type of plant, but you might just be in luck if you always forget to water your plant!

A plant company called Jungle Tops is currently selling Plant IV bags that will water your plant just like how an IV drip works and you can pretty much "set it and forget it."
The Plant IV bag is mainly advertised as a way of taking care of your plant while you're on vacation, but if we're all honest, we know that we need any help we can get!

With each "Plant Life Support" kit you get a water bag, peg hook, flow regulator, arrow dripper, a tube, and a washer for $25 and I think we found the perfect gift for our roommates and friends!

You can go HERE to see them in action and to learn more!

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