You Can Finally Remove Shows From Your "Continue Watching" On Netflix

If you're like me then you probably start a lot of shows on Netflix, but then forget about them or move on to another show and they just sit in your "Continue Watching" section well no more as of today!

Netflix just pushed an update that will give you the option to manually delete shows and movies from your "Continue Watching" section and if you never finished the latest season of Queer Eye or gave up on Area 81 you don't have to look at your shame every time when logging in.

The new feature is already out on Netflix’s web, mobile, and TV apps and to remove a show or movie all you have to do is select the show/movie in the row and scroll down to the new “Remove from Continue Watching” option to clear it.

Clicking a second time will quickly undo the removal, in the event you accidentally remove something you didn't know your partner was watching without you.

Happy streaming!!

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