Tropicana Is Releasing A Limited-Edition Toothpaste

Who knows why drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth is one of the weirdest sensations on the planet, but Tropicana is hoping to help you out with their own brand of toothpaste that will let you enjoy breakfast after brushing your teeth!

Starting on November 1st the brand will release its own limited-edition Tropicana Toothpaste that technically won't be for sale, but you can score one just by commenting on Tropicana's Instagram.

According to Tropicana, the toothpaste is "specifically designed to protect the delicious taste of orange juice" because it doesn't include a cleaning agent normally prevalent in toothpaste which leads to the weird aftertaste.

You can learn more about scoring your own toothpaste below and drink as much orange juice as you want to from now on!

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