'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Creators Have Launched 'Avatar Studios'

Get ready to become an even bigger fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra because both shows' creators have created a new studio set to expand the universe of both shows.

The studio is aptly called Avatar Studios and it will be responsible for creating Avatar-related content for Paramount Plus and Nickelodeon. The very first project the studio will work on will be an animated feature film.

While both Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend Of Korra are both currently available on Netflix, you will most likely only be able to watch new projects from Avatar Studios on Paramount Plus or Nickelodeon.

You can see the studio's announcement from Michael DiMartino, one of the shows' original creators, below!

Also in case you need some friendly voices to talk to you about the adventures of Aang and Korra then make sure to check out our review podcasts of each show below!


Photo Credit: Nickelodeon

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