Every Video Game You Need To Play In September

New video games come out every day on every platform, which is why I wanted to put together a short list of the games you NEED to play, or at least watch for each month!

There's a game for everybody on this list no matter your age or gaming platform and as the resident "Gaming Expert" of the show I figured this would help you save time and money on games that aren't worth you, your family, or your friend's time!

Here are some of the big games, along with a short description and release platform, coming out in September:

Marvel's Avengers

Release Date: September 4

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox and PC

What's It About?: You get to play as THE AVENGERS in their first video game adaptation since the MCU started! Whether you stan Hulk, Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, or even Kamala Khan, there's a hero for everyone to play!

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2

Release Date: September 4

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox and PC

What's It About?: Skating video games are back officially now that the crowned king of skating video games is getting a remake! It's everything you loved from the first two Pro Skater games updated to today's standards.

WWE Battlegrounds

Release Date: September 18

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox, Switch, Stadia and PC

What's It About?: Even though we're not getting an installment in the WWE 2K franchise this year, we're getting Battlegrounds as a supplement that is heavily inspired by the WWE All-Stars game from a few years ago and looks easy to play for anyone in your family/friend group!

Photo Credit: Square Enix

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