In the winter, having your winter cuff by your side to keep you warm is a great way to pass those cold and dreary months. But once the weather starts to get a bit nicer, and the layers of clothes you had to schlep around in start to come off, it’s time to cut your winter cuff off and enjoy all the perks spring and summer have to offer, including being single and free to mingle.
If you and your winter bae cuffed correctly, then they should know that the day you two decide to go your separate ways is rapidly approaching as the weather gets nicer. However every so often you are forced to cut your winter boo lose if he fails to realize the end is near or doesn’t get the hint.
1. Start Having More Group Outings.
After spending winter cooped up with your fling for months, its time to get out and hang out with your friends. But, it also means its time to start putting some distance between you and your winter boo.
2. Share Your (Solo) Summer Plans And Ask About Theirs.
Subtly dropping hints of your solo summer plans is a great way to causally remind him that he's going to have to move on from this crazy train and go off on his own. Asking him about his summer plans allows you to see where if he mentions you. If he doesn't, than you're likely in the clear.
3. Distance Yourself From “We”.
Admit it, it’s been nice being apart of a “we” all winter. While you and your winter boo canoodled together, it was only evident before you two started acting like a real couple and referring to each other as “we” when in conversation with your friends - if you're into that. If you are looking to break things off with your winter cuff come spring, it’s time to stop referencing each other as “we” and get back to using those “I” pronouns.
4. Be Honest Without Being Cruel.
I know, sometimes women can be brutal - it's a coping mechanism probably. While I love to get things over with, its better to be honest and forward but not be brutal at the same time. Catch my drift? This was the person you voluntarily laid up with all winter so give the guy some respect when ending things.
5. Let Them Down Easily ... In Person Or Via Text
Sure breaking up with your winter fling in person (or via text) sounds like cruel and unusual punishment but you both knew that this day would eventually come. While I don't agree with ending anything via text, sometimes you have to. So, choose the right words. Choosing the right way to say “Thanks for a fun winter, see ya next year” sounds difficult but telling/sending them something simple that lets them down easy is a great way to leave the possibility open for a hookup next winter.