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There's a Hidden NES Game in the Nintendo Switch!

If you have a Nintendo Switch you are probably waiting for Nintendo to finally announce when the Virtual Console will be coming to the system.

The Virtual Console would allow you to purchase old games from other Nintendo systems and play them on the Nintendo Switch! However, hackers and modders have discovered that there already is a hidden NES game on the system in tribute of Satoru Iwata, the late president of Nintendo

Golf can only be played when the console's date is set to July 11, the date of Iwata's death in 2015. Changing your console's date to July 11 will only work if it's never been connected to the internet, otherwise the console will defer to the date and time pulled from the internet regardless if you're connected.

You also need to do this motion with the joy-cons, which is one of Iwata's signature moves during Nintendo Directs:

So wait until July 11 next year and you'll be able to play a classic NES game on the Nintendo Switch!

SOURCE: Mashable

IMAGE: Giphy

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