The Crisis Crew teams up with The Good Marks Podcast for the very FIRST podcast crossover! What happened at Wrestlemania and why is it such a big deal that The Undertaker is retiring? Squirrel Girl is getting her Marvel show on Freeform and we hope its the beginning of even more superhero takeovers! With Xbox's "Project Scorpio" getting its specs released we also discuss what we want for the future of gaming! Plus, the Crisis Crew starts their Crisis Game Club and are playing Fallout 4 this month and another DC Check-In to catch you up to speed on the Arrowverse!
Follow Kevin, Hoody, and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week:
K: @M0T3KK
H: @andrewhoody
J: @cupofjavi
Podcast Social: @infinite_pods
Crisis Game Club Game of the Month: FALLOUT 4
Video Games Coming Out in April!
Invader Zim is Returning to Nickelodeon
McDonald's Szechuan Sauce May Be Back Thanks to Rick & Morty
Crisis Plays: Emily is Away Pt. 2
What You Need to Know Post-Wrestlemania 33
Injustice 2 Has Great Villains
Why Quentin Lance Needs to Be on Legends of Tomorrow
How Will The CW Top The Legends of Tomorrow Finale?
Quentin Lance Should Be On Legends of Tomorrow
Squirrel Girl and Marvel are Coming to Freeform
THAT Defenders Tease Reveals More Than You Think
Xbox's Project Scorpio Specs Revealed