We're humans. We go through tough times. We have rash reactions. It's unfortunate, it can be embarrassing, but it can also be corrected afterwards.
After this woman probably went nuts on her barista, she returned with more than just a simple apology... there was a card that I think all of us can learn from, and $50 cash.
Greetings Starbuck barista!
Yesterday at your drive thru we had a less than cheerful encounter. At no fault of yours, you were out of carriers and said you could not take my empty cup (trash). I was less than understanding and my manner was curt.
I need to apologize. The thought of leaving a trail of unkindness like that is not the path I want to reflect. Not for you, not for me.
You are a young man, clearly working hard to build a future and you should be commended. Keep up your attitude of cheer and hope. Stay hopeful no matter what kind of people cross your path (or drive thru :) )
Surly, God has good blessing in store.
You taught this ole lady something yesterday about kindness, compassion and staying humble.
I thank you! Debbie
God bless you today and all your todays.
I've had to send texts, emails, and Facebook messages to people I've been a total bitch to recently... this woman is being the most... in the best way possible.
Don't be embarrassed to go back and admit your wrong doing! It's way worse to be the person who was rude and never addressed it... and you may try to convince yourself they'll forget about it, but you don't know that. They could be having just as tough as a time or even worse and it could really do some damage to them.