Hoody Reviews 'Kajillionaire' In 60 Seconds Or Less

I got to see Kajillionaire early and while you might not have heard of it until now then you definitely want to check out the trailer below because it's a quirky comedy that will definitely change up your routine of watching The Office for the hundredth time.

Both Evan Rachel Wood (Westworld) and Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) are perfect in their roles as Old Dolio and Melanie and it's a dramedy/heist movie that you could actually believe normal people could do in real life.

Here are some of my initial, SPOILER-FREE, thoughts on the film and what stood out to me:

  • It's weird to think that there are real scammers that dig through people's mail to try and re-sell everything! Time to guard your mailbox more.
  • There's a creepy turn of events about halfway through the film that I won't spoil, but was very sudden.
  • This is more of a dramedy than a "laugh out loud" comedy so be prepared to think more than laugh at silly moments
  • The chemistry between Gina Rodriguez and Evan Rachel Wood was really good! You could feel it from the first moment their characters met.

Watch my full review for Kajillionaire below:

I'm giving Kajillionaire 6.9 out of 10 hot tubs and if you're looking for a new movie in your life, then this quirky film is worth a chance at renting! Kajillionaire is in theaters starting on September 25th and will be on Video On-Demand services starting on October 14th!

Photo Credit: Focus Features

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