Crisis On Infinite Podcasts Now Has A Video Version!!

Hi there!

Hoody here and this isn't going to be your typical blog you expect with some witty commentary on something that just happened, but more of an update on Crisis On Infinite Podcasts! We are FINALLY doing a proper VIDEO VERSION of the podcast and will be releasing them every week with the normal audio!

Now I know a ton of you love the audio version of the podcast, but we wanted to take the next BIG step in the growth of our podcast. As famous writer Gary Whitta once said, "If you're not making moves, you're standing still." This is why we want to bring you the BEST content and version of that content that we can!

You can see the first NEW episode of what we hope to do below and it's totally okay if you have suggestions or improvements because we want them all to give you the NERDY NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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