If you consider yourself a "theme park enthusiast" or just want to be encouraged to go to more theme parks this year then you NEED to apply to thisDREAM SUMMER JOB that will PAY YOU to go to theme parks throughout the Summer!
A travel agency called Ocean Florida is currently looking for a professional "Florida Theme Park Tester" to experience everything Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Studios Orlando has to offer for three weeks in the Summer. You even get to bring a friend with you while you get paid $3,000!
If chosen, the lucky job hire will receive:
- $3,000 salary for three weeks of work
- Travel and accommodation provided for you
- A daily budget for food, admission, and souvenirs
- Fast Passes and photo passes for every theme park
- A GoPro camera
- A FitBit to track your activity
The main thing you need to do is provide feedback and reactions to the overall experience of every theme park and provide commentary on every aspect including rides, food, and souvenirs through a video diary or on your social media.
If you think you got the stuff to apply then just go to Ocean Florida's websiteHERE and apply by January 31st!
Photo Credit: Getty Images