Time to Get Ready for E3 - Crisis On Infinite Podcasts #83

We're all getting ready for E3 and we give our predictions for everything we hope gets announced! Join Hoody, Kevin, Javi and a really late Alex to give you all the info on ALL the trailers that released this week, including: Into the Spider-verse, Bumblebee, LEGO Movie 2, and Ralph Breaks the Internet! Plus, we take a trip to our Javi Shop on a great collaboration between Marvel and Vans and detail our E3 plans!

Follow Kevin, Hoody, Alex and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week too:

Alex: @AlexNPittman

Hoody: @andrewhoody

Javi: @cupofjavi

Kevin: @M0T3KK

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