The Voldemort Fan Film is Finally Finished!

Remember last year when several  fans were making a fan film dedicated towards the origin story of Voldemort on Kickstarter and it got "Ceased and Desist" by Warner Bros.?

Well somehow the fan film was allowed to keep  on going as long as it was for non-profit purposes and the films is FINALLY out on YouTube!

Tryangle Films, who made the film, based it on the last two books of the Harry Potter series and here is the summary of the film:

The story pits Grisha Mac Laggen, the heir of Gryffindor, against Riddle as he emerges into Voldemort. Riddle is positioned as someone responsible for the death of Hepzibah Smith, a descendant of the Hufflepuffs, whom Mac Laggen finds murdered in her residence.

While it is dubbed from Italian to English (meaning the audio was replaced with English voices) it's an hour-long film in the Harry Potter universe, which is awesome! Check it out below

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