"Grey's Anatomy" Releases Video Ahead of Alex Karev's Exit NEXT Week😭

Okay, "Grey's Anatomy" fans. The inevitable end of Alex Karev is here.

We're not sure exactly how they're twisting the storyline to fit it - all we know is that he's been gone ever since he made the speech for Meredith in court for her not to lose her license...for a VERY long time he hasn't returned, and hasn't even been in contact with his wife, Jo. It's like he fell off the face of the earth. A showrunner said that they're taking it easy and as safe as they can with Jo's character and Alex not being there, but watch below for what probably will be one of the highest watched episodes of this series ever in the 16 seasons it's been on air.

I already have 5 boxes of tissues because I am NOT ready.

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