John Travolta Mistakes Drag Queen Jade Jolie for Taylor Swift at VMAs😂

Remember YEARS ago when John Travolta mispronounced Idina Menzel's REALLY bad?

Well, no one has forgotten it; he even made a joke about it last night before announcing the winner at the MTV VMAs, which was Taylor Swift, saying "maybe you should say who won because I'll just f*** it up,"...and somehow, still did.

Taylor won, and whenever she won for her "You Need to Calm Down" video last night, she brought the drag queens that were in her video, up on stage with her. Well, Travolta went to hand the moonman to who he thought was Taylor, but in reality, was Jade Jolie - the one who dressed in drag as Taylor in her video, who honestly, looks a LOT like Taylor.

Is this bad? I guess it means that Jade is doing her job, dressing as Taylor, yes?

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