The Jonas Brothers Just Got Brutally Honest About Growing Up Disney

The Jonas Brothers slid right into our lives in 2006 when the Disney Channel decided to air their video for "Year 3000" - that's when everything changed for the family.

They're gracing the cover of Paper Magazine's current issue and they talk about what went wrong growing up with the Disney persona.

Obviously, they're taking back some things they said years ago with being super frustrated about having to wear their purity rings and not being able to grow beards and stuff like that, because at the end of the day, not so big a deal.

What really got to them was how much they had to censor themselves.

"We were young adults having to act like young teenagers," Joe said. But at the end of the day, they're super thankful for Disney because without them, who knows if they would've had the career they've had thus far.

"We could've had a lot worse," Nick added. "It was really good training far as work ethic..."

You can read the rest of the interview HERE.

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