KFC Has Teamed Up With Cinnabon To Make Dessert BiscuitsđŸ˜”

KFC has been teaming up with a lot of other companies as of this year - they've got a KFC-branded hot tub coming out for the summer, they've teamed up with Aunt Jemima syrup for a new dish - and now, they've officially hit the jackpot.

Starting next week, KFC is going to be selling Cinnabon Dessert Biscuits and oh. my. god.

You can't go to KFC without ordering their fluffy, buttery, salty biscuits..but NOW, you can get them covered in cinnamon brown sugar glaze and drizzled with Cinnabon's cream cheese frosting.

I'm literally gaining 5 pounds writing this article but OHH I NEED THEM.

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