Sketch of Lori Loughlin in Court Yesterday Has Her Looking MAD

Look, if I had to fly in for a high profile case from another country to go to court, I'd be pissed too.

In case you've missed it, let's catch you up: a couple of days ago, one of the biggest college money schemes in history was uncovered with over 50 millionaires who have paid their children's way to get into prestigious colleges.

At the head of the list (obviously, because of her name and popularity), is everyone's favorite aunt, Aunt Becky, from Full House and Fuller House, AKA: Lori Loughlin.

She had to be in court yesterday, but was filming a Hallmark movie in Canada, so she flew in, and flew right back out to go back to filming.

According to The Daily Beast, her bail was set at $1 million, but not before disagreements with her legal team. While talking with the judge, her lawyer explained that she was need allowances to travel throughout the United States and in the Canadian province of British Columbia, where she has several projects to shoot - but the judge was reportedly not comfortable with that. Loughlin then tried to 'attempt to answer the question herself' but got shushed by the judge.

Her passport will be surrendered in December once her current filming schedule is complete.

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