Do These Things To Get Ahead In Work

Photo: Dejan Marjanovic / E+ / Getty Images

When it comes to working in an office setting, what may work for one person to get ahead, may not work for others. We decided to figure out all the best tips and tricks to help you for sure get ahead at work without having to do all that pesky research yourself!

Below you'll find a list of the best ways to get ahead at work without stepping on anyone's toes:

1. Chilling out - First, take a deep breath and chill out a little. You don't have to have everything figured out today.

2. Knowing your core values - Identify your core values and compelling "why." Then, align your work to these beliefs. The more aligned you are, the better your career will flow.

3. Being aware of the best use of you - Ask yourself: What's the highest, most valuable use of your time, energy, and talents over the next 12 months? and then act on it!

4. Doing what you love - Notice what pulls you forward in your work and fills your cup — the things you do where time disappears. Then, find ways to do more of that, more often

5.Being aware that failure is still learning - Learn from your mistakes and missteps and then move forward with those lessons front of mind while leaving the scars in the past.

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