When you’re opening up shop, you have to get there early to turn on the lights, restock supplies, and get things up and running before customers arrive. For the uninitiated, this is part of the “opening shift” that kicks off the day and ensures everything runs smoothly.
On TikTok, the same concept has been applied to morning routines at home and it’s a total game changer. Instead of rolling out of bed at the last minute, the idea is to get up early and follow your opening shift checklist before the day begins. This list includes all the little things you want and need to do to feel organized and ready. It’s also common to do something different every morning, even when you’d really like to complete certain daily tasks. While there are always a few non-negotiables, like feeding your cat or making breakfast, some mornings you might feel too disheveled and disorganized to do much else.
If your goal is to become more organized, then you could create a checklist, just like the kind you’d see when opening a coffee shop or retail store. This list will include everything that needs to happen no matter what before the day truly begins, but instead of restocking cups or flipping over an “open” sign, you’d unload the dishwasher, Set out your post-shower clothes, or throw in a load of laundry.
If you’re feeling crafty, you could even write the list down and leave it in your bathroom or kitchen. Let us know if this helped you get your day started off on the right foot and extra points if you share with us your list so we can get ideas on what our lists may be missing!