The Most Common Red Flags In Relationships

Photo: Photo by Roo Lewis / Stone / Getty Images

Dating and relationships aren’t always black and white or red and green. This straightforward outlook is especially problematic in our increasingly superficial swipe-left, swipe-right dating culture, where snap judgments are made in less than a second on a dating app or during the first few minutes of an in-person date. Quick judgments like that can result in the unfair labeling, and often mislabelling, of behaviors and missed opportunities.

Is it a genuine expression of care or a sly tactic to win you over? Understanding these subtleties is critical. These tips can help you determine the motivations behind your date’s behavior.

  1. Excessive attention is not always authentic
  2. The cost of witty banter
  3. The mask of oversharing
  4. Balancing flags and boundaries 

Now if you see these signs, that doesn't mean you're with the wrong one in every scenario per say, but these are good things to look for if you're on the fence about your current fling!

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