Do you Sleep With Your Door Open Or Closed?

Photo: dragana991 / iStock / Getty Images

There is a big question on the table and the results are highly debatable. When you return to your room every night before bed, do you leave your door open or closed?

In this blog, we'll explain why you’ll want to ensure that door is shut good and tight during bedtime. According to an expert on TikTok, you should always sleep with your door closed. The reason you need to sleep with your door closed. Is because even a simple door will prevent smoke, heat, and flames from entering your room.

According to our experts, as little as 5 minutes of smoke inhalation can cause permanent brain damage; 15 minutes of it will result in your death. Something as small as unfilled doors can buy you 20-30 minutes of barricade time against these deadly vapors. This is especially important for children, who have a much smaller lung capacity than adults.

That is a lot of time in the grand scheme of a house fire. That’s the time between you being able to wake up and get out. Or you being able to wake up, notify the fire department.

I used to sleep with my door open for my cats sake but maybe she needs to be locked safely away with me in my room from now on! If you found this blog useful, let us know by DM'ing us on socials @YMSradio!

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